Once upon a time, in the heart of the Great Recession, my world came crashing down.
Picture this: no warning, no time to prepare, just a pink slip thrust into my hands as I was escorted out the door.
I had dedicated 6 years of my life to a successful corporate recruiting career, only to find myself unemployed... just like 8.8 million others. The shock and heartbreak were unbearable.
I found myself catapulted into the unforgiving job market of the Great Recession.
I tried everything... an outplacement agency, networking events, reading every job search resource on google, comibined with submitting hundreds of online job applications.
Months passed, and the silence was deafening - no calls, no interviews, just the eerie sound of crickets echoing through the abyss of uncertainty.
My lowest point arrived when I was forced to attend a job search training session at the local unemployment office.
Little did I know, this session would become a pivotal moment.
In those bleak months of fruitless searching, I discovered an undeniable truth: the so-called job search "experts" lacked the firsthand experience and understanding of the hiring process that I possessed as a seasoned recruiter.
Their guidance echoed the same tired strategies that had failed me time and time again.
It was a turning point when I realized that to defy the odds (and keep a roof over my head), I had to throw out the worn-out job search rulebook, cast aside the mass advice of unqualified "experts", and set out to redefine my path.
As I aligned my actions with best practices for recruiting and combined it with my own expertise, the job search tides began to turn.
Opportunities materialized from unexpected corners, and I quickly found my calendar booked with interviews.
I went from zero prospects to 3 compeitive job offers... and landed a 25% raise.
Since then, I've been obsessed with helping others navigate the scary and stressfull process of job searching and I vowed to share my transformative journey with others.
Since starting my business in 2017, I've had the pleasure of working with over 20,000 clients land exciting and lucrative career opportunities through my intentional career design programs.
In a time when the job market is becoming more and more competitive and we enter another recession period, getting this information into the public has been my top priority.
I remember just how scared, ashamed, and painful job searching was...
Which is why I created the Remote Career Revolution Accelerator program.
With this program, you'll learn exactly how to fill your calendars and land remote 6 figure career opportunitities.